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One of the wonderful characteristics of Suri is its ability to take dye well. Whether you prefer using natural dyes or chemical dyes, the resulting intensity of the colors is wonderful. One of our members took a first time dive into natural dying in 2022 and we are providing a link to her article documenting that adventure.

If you are dyeing yarn that is a blend of Suri and cellulose based fibers, remember that cellulose fibers require base pH to dye well and often do not respond to the chemical dyes used for protein based fibers and may remain white in your yarn. Blending with silk has an advantage because it behaves like an animal fiber and will take the dye well.

Overdying colored Suri such as the fawns or browns provides an added depth and richness to whatever is being dyed- fiber, yarn, or product.

Dye techniques are almost infinite:

  • Dye the fiber before it is spun into yarn
  • Dye the fiber by immersing it in the dye bath
  • Dye the material by hand-painting it
  • Dye your yarn by splattering it with dye while it is laid out in a pan

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
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Estes Park, Colorado

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Suri Network

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