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 Suri Network News

January 2016  


· President's Letter 

· 2016 Symposium

· OpenHerd changes

· Suri Breed Standard Review

· Suri Network LIVE!

· SHIP scheduling

Board of Trustees
Patty Hasselbring
Phone: 816-769-3939

Vice President
Jill McElderry-Maxwell
Phone: 207-660-5276

Andrew Reed
Phone: 610-334-5457

Alvina Maynard
Phone: 859-408-5132
2nd Phone: 859-940-0424

Trustee at Large
Randy Coleman
Phone:  503-310-9367
Suri Network         Facebook Pages
Suri Network

Suri Network Product Development Committee

Suri Network Members Facebook Group - SN members only


Suri Network Website

SHIP Website
President's Letter

The beginning of a new year holds so much promise. It's a blank slate that we can use to create the future we desire. We can choose our priorities, our activities, our attitudes, and put it all down in a written plan...if we choose.

As you plan your year, consider incorporating just a few of the benefits that your Suri Network membership offers, including:
  • Advertise your events at no charge on the Suri Network website.
  • Get your alpacas - all of them! - on OpenHerd so that they will display under the Suri Network "Find a Farm" page.
  • Use the "Get the Word Out" program to have a copy of PurelySuri magazine sent to up to 10 local businesses in your community, courtesy of your farm.
  • Schedule your farm for a SHIP classification. The best time to do this is now, before shearing! Because you are a Suri Network member, you pay no administrative fees for this to be done. See for more info and to sign up.
  • Get and review the Pasture to Product DVD set developed by the Suri Network Product Development Committee. See what you need to incorporate into your 2016 production plans.
  • Plan to attend the 2016 Suri Symposium August 4-6 in Loveland, Colorado!
  • Participate in Suri Network LIVE! webinar series...the next one is January 14: Tax Time - preparation happens all year round. Register here.

Check out the rest of the Suri Network membership benefits and use them to your advantage.

Wishing all a happy and productive 2016!

Patty Hasselbring
President, Suri Network

2016 Suri Network Summer Symposium - mark your calendar!

Mark your calendar now for the 2016 Suri Network Summer Symposium and Fleece Show, themed "Weaving the Fabric of Our Industry".

As always, the Symposium will bring together topics of interest in all areas of alpaca farming, from health and nutrition to fiber and product. 

If you attended the 2015 Sym
posium, you know that the venue is top-notch. And of course, the Symposium
was packed with first rate education in a wide range of topics.

We have a great committee chaired by Andrew Reed working on planning our Symposium this year.

OpenHerd Changes

You may have heard about the changes that OpenHerd made as of January 1, 2016. Where farms could previously register for a free site and list all their animals at no charge on OpenHerd, now farms may only select five animals for public display.

The good news is this: if you are a Suri Network member, ALL your animals will continue to be displayed on the Suri Network site, even if you do not sign up for a paid site on OpenHerd.  

Yes, this membership benefit just got even better!!!

If you are not on OpenHerd yet, and you are a Suri Network member, we hope this will be encouragement to you to start your farm page on OpenHerd and list your animals. They will ALL show up on Suri Network's Find a Farm page.

And, if you are not a Suri Network member, there is no better time to join! You just simply cannot beat this benefit.

Remember, when people google Suri Alpacas, the Suri Network is the #1 choice!

Suri Breed Standard Review

Many will remember when the Suri Network developed the Suri Breed Standard seven years ago. This was a ground-breaking accomplishment! Breed standards need to be reviewed and updated periodically, and we are set to do that in 2016. 

Tim Sheets and Linda Kondris will co-chair a committee to review the Suri Breed Standard. They have developed a process that involves input from members. More detail will be coming to you soon!

Suri Network Live! 

We know that it is not always geographically or financially feasible to attend a conference or training session in person. So, last year we developed a series of webinars - one hour sessions on various topics of interest to members. In 2015 we had webinars on fleece, fleece shows, and water quality.

First up in 2016: "Tax Time - Preparation Happens All Year Round"  Suri Network member and Certified Public Accountant Brion Smoker will present this one hour session on
preparing for tax season, record keeping, and maximizing benefits as a livestock business. Start 2016 right!

January 14, 2016, at 7:30 pm central time. Cost is $35 for non-members and $25 for members. Register here!

Most webinars are recorded, so if you are unable to participate in person, check back in after the webinar to catch the recording. You can see them here.

SHIP - Time to schedule SHIP at your farm!

The ideal time for your SHIP herd classification is spring prior to shearing.

For often less than the cost of attending a show, you can gain invaluable information on every Suri in your herd who are one year of age and older. You will have the opportunity to observe the hands-on, rating of eight key conformation traits and eight essential fleece characteristics for each animal.

Your SHIP classification scores will allow you to make important breeding decisions that will lead to your herd’s rapid advancement in positive quality traits. 


Go to for more information and the SHIP application form.  Submit your application now to assure scheduling for this spring. Dates are filling.


Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

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Suri Network

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