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 Suri Network News

July 2014 


· President's Letter 

· Suri Network Planning

· Estes Park, Here We Come! Summer Symposium, Fleece Show, Fashion Show, Clinics and More

· Kudos Korner

Board of Trustees
Tim Sheets
Phone: 765-566-3077
Phone: 765-860-1220
email Tim

Vice President
Kristie Smoker
Phone: 717-503-6168
Cell/2nd Ph: 717-867-2897
email Kristie

Patty Hasselbring
Phone: 816-769-3939
Cell/2nd Phone: 660-463-2716
email Patty

Cindy Harris
Phone: 620-486-3531
Cell Phone: 805-386-2394 Office
Cell: 805-907-5162
email Cindy

Trustee at Large
Joyce White
Phone: 330-524-2077
Cell Phone: 330-524-5187
email Joyce
Web Sites

Suri Network Website

SHIP Website

President's Letter

Summer is here! Shearing is done. First cutting hay is baled and stored.  New crias are testing their legs in the coolness of the evenings. I don't know about you, but to me, this summer is especially welcome after the dreadful winter we experienced.

Summer also means the Suri Network Summer Symposium and Fleece Show is just around the corner! We hope you are planning on joining us in beautiful Estes Park Colorado from August 14-16. Board members Kristie Smoker and Joyce White have been working hard since the beginning of the year to bring you a fantastic program with great speakers. The theme this year is LIVING THE VISION: U.S. as the Worldwide Suri Source.

New this year is the Suri Strut fashion show. We have seven vendors lined up to showcase exquisite fashions made from Suri fiber.

If you have never attended the symposium, I personally invite you to consider it this year. If you are not sure it is worth the time and cost, talk to someone who has attended in the past. I think most will agree that this is truly a unique event in the alpaca industry that focuses on education and networking coupled with an all Suri fleece show.

To those that have attended in the past and are going again, why not invite someone you know who has never gone. It would be great to have a bunch of new attendees this year. See you in August!

Tim Sheets - President Suri Network

Suri Network Planning
By Patty Hasselbring,  Suri Network Board Member 

In 2009 the Suri Network Board of Trustees developed a long-range strategic plan. That plan has provided guidance for organizational activities since then. In 2014, the Board of Trustees has undertaken the process of reviewing and updating the long-range plan, and has elected to develop a general framework that will guide establishment of annual work plans for the board and committees.

To do this, accomplishments to date were identified, and membership was surveyed for input. The results of that work appear here in a broadly focused list of identified goals for the Suri Network over the next five years. Each year the Board of Trustees will establish annual plans with measurable objectives for each of the focus areas.

1. Communications
The Suri Network will continue to take advantage of technology in communicating relevant and substantive information to membership. Face to face communications will be planned as feasible. Innovative means for promoting networking will be explored.

2. Education
The Suri Network will provide education to existing members in topics of interest. Additionally, the Suri Network will help members educate new clients with materials and seminars. Educational events will include, but not be limited to, the annual Symposium.

3. Marketing
The Suri Network will continue assisting members in marketing through print materials available electronically or in print. The Suri Network will explore marketing of Suri fleece in the textile world, collection of graded fleece, and expanded milling capabilities.

4. SHIP (Suri Genetic Advancement)
The Suri Network will promote advancement Suri genetics through the Suri Herd Improvement Program and education of Suri breeders and potential breeders regarding the breed standard and EPDs. Education will be provided in clear and understandable terms so that results can be fully utilized by all breeders in advancing their own herd and the national herd.

5. Funding
The Suri Network will pursue avenues for fund generation, such as fleece shows, written materials for sale, and grants. Creative mechanisms such as a Suri specific fiber co-op and processing with end product will be explored.

6. Product Development
The Suri Network will continue focus on fiber related interests, including promotion of a market for Suri fleece that encompasses every grade of fiber.

7. Membership
The Suri Network will continue to build membership, reviewing, revising and communicating member benefits clearly.

8. Youth Program
The Suri Network will work to expose young people to alpaca farming, through avenues such as FFA and 4H.

Please send any input on these proposed goal statements to Patty Hasselbring at

Estes Park, Here We Come!

The educational event of the 2014 – right around the corner….

Don't miss out on the opportunity to attend one of the BEST educational opportunities of 2014. The Suri Network Summer Symposium is right around the corner and Early Bird Registration ends July 24, 2014. We have a fabulous lineup for the symposium for Friday and Saturday:

Management-Oriented Nutrition, by Dr. Nancy Irlbeck
How Diet Affects Fiber, by Dr. Norm Evans
Eco-Friendly Resources and Innovative Technology in Suri Clothing, by Karl Heinrich
Selling in a Worldwide Market, by Jude Anderson
Fleece for the the Commercial and Worldwide Market, by Ian Watt
Hematology, Infectious and Metabolic Diseases, by Dr. Susan Tornquist
Alternate Therapies, by Dr. Tim Holt
SHIP Update, by Linda Kondris;

Plus, a roundtable discussion on preparing for the fiber market

But wait! Show up on Thursday and look what you get!

On Thursday, before the Symposium begins, we are offering four special clinics. Whether your interest is in fiber, science or technology, there really is something for everyone! Take a look and pick your clinics!

Suris 101 with Jude Anderson (am)
Fiber Sorting with Wini LaBreque (am)
SHIP program with Cheryl Gehly (pm)
The new and improved Suri Network website, with Tim Sheets (pm)

Struttin' the Suri!

NEW this year at the Symposium is the Suri Strut Fashion Show, where seven designers will be showcasing fabulous clothing make from USA Suri alpaca fiber. You can attend the Suri Strut Fashion show even if you can't attend the Symposium. Contact the Suri Network office to purchase tickets for the Friday Fashion Show and Luncheon. Everyone – whether a Suri breeder or not – is welcome to attend and see the gorgeous garments created using Suri alpaca fiber.

Fleece, fleece and more fleece. We want yours!

We don't bring alpacas to the Summer Symposium, but we sure do bring the fleece!!

The Suri Network Summer Symposium holds the only fleece show just for Suris. Scoring ribbons in this show is like placing in the Kentucky Derby! Get your fleece ready now, but most importantly – get your fleeces registered! Fleece show entries are $36.00 each and the Cottage Fleece Show entries are $20.00 each. Deadline to register your fleeces for the show is August 7 so don't delay! All fleeces need to be in Estes Park, CO by Thursday, August 14, 2014. (Pack them up and put them in your airplane's overhead bin!)

To register for the Symposium and Fleece Show:

See you in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado!

Kudos Korner                                                                                                                 
This issue we give kudos to the Suri Network Product Development Committee, chaired by Deb Christner of Akuna Matada Suri Alpacas. The committee committed to a major undertaking in 2013 – the development of a comprehensive six-hour video guide of all things fiber.

The committee set about raising the funds needed to produce the video, and, using Kickstarter, successfully raised what would be needed to get the project underway. Project Manager Alvina Maynard diligently worked with a videographer and committee members to arrange for filming, wrote the script and narrated the video.

Today, P2P: Pasture to Process, Product to Profit is available for sale to Suri Network members for $73, or for non-members at $88. (And what a great gift for new Suri clients!)

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

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Suri Network

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