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 Suri Network News

Summer 2019



President's Letter

2019 Summer Symposium

Suri Network Financial Review

Never Shorn Class in Show System

Branding - Update

Suri Network Strategy Plan

PDC- What's Going on with the PDC?

Membership Update

Board of Trustees
Sue King
Phone: 503-799-6941

Vice President
Deb Christner
Phone:970 872-4446

Phone:970 250-7392

Nancy Lindemood

Home Phone: 859-428-9220 

Cell: 513-218-8978

Beth Sheets

Phone: 765-566-3077

Trustees at Large
Jennifer Hack

Phone: 720-733-2672

Margit Korsak

Phone: 267-246-7573

Liz Vahlkamp

Phone: 314-440-1627

Suri Network Website

SHIP Website

Suri Network Financial Review

The Suri Network™ ended calendar 2018 with a net surplus of $930. Contributing factors were increased revenue for PurelySuri™ advertising sales and Symposium sponsorships which nearly doubled vs year ago, a 7% increase in membership revenue (+11 members vs 2017) and lower than anticipated expenses for PurelySuri™ and the Symposium. The Suri Network™ Board thanks all of our members and sponsors for their continuing support that helped make this possible.


For 2019, we plan to continue the positive trends of 2018, while also investing in areas such as Branding, system improvements for S.H.I.P. and Youth programs.  The 2019 budget shows revenue exceeding expenses by $880. 


Details for 2018 and 2019 are available in the Members tab of the website


“Suri Simply Stunning” Brand:


The objective of the Suri Network branding program is to create recognition of Suri as a natural fiber with specific characteristics of softness, luster, warmth, and adaptability in a wide variety of products.


Since the initial introduction of the branding program at the 2018 Symposium, the Suri Network Board of Trustees and Branding Committee have been working together to determine the marketing needs of large and small Suri breeders as well as Suri fiber and product producers. The goal for the brand mark program is to promote awareness of the unique qualities that distinguish Suri alpacas and Suri fiber products as “Simply Stunning.”


An annual application for the use of the brand was developed and approved by the Board this spring. The application will be rolled out to members the summer of 2019. The webinars are on how to complete the application and use of the brand for marketing your Suri farm and products. There was a webinar held the on June 27th and there is another scheduled for Saturday, July 13th at 4:00 pm, MDT. Click the link below to register.


Stay tuned for more “Suri, Simply Stunning”!!


Your Suri Network Board of Trustees

Branding Committee Members

PDC Update

What's Going On With the PDC?

The Product Development Committee for Suri Network has several active items on its work list right now. 


Top priority is the Committee’s responsibilities for Suri Symposium, coming soon in Loveland, Colorado on August 9-10, 2019. This “to do” list includes several activities, such as an online auction and the annual Fiber Arts & Skeins Competition.


Online Auction. The PDC is actively seeking donations for the online auction, which was a big success last year. The Suri Network online auction is conducted through the "Bidding for Good" auction site, and provides a national platform to promote all businesses that donate.  Many businesses that serve the alpaca community find this a good spot for advertising their products and services. A few examples of the many items donated last year include: an annual subscription to Alpaca Ease herd management software, a hand dyed suri scarf, two alpaca skin biopsies, five pounds of fiber processing, a hand knotted suri rug, and several pieces of custom jewelry. We expect a high level of participation this year.


Fiber Arts & Skeins Competition.  The PDC has announced the Fiber Arts & Skeins Competition via social media and Ravelry, in addition to the announcement to all Suri Network members. We believe that expanding the word through social media and Ravelry, will greatly increase participation. The competition will, as usual, be judged at Symposium.


Resource Directory.  A comprehensive directory was compiled by some dedicated Network members several years ago, and is available free of charge to all Suri Network members. The PDC is updating the Directory, to be followed by re-launching it to increase awareness of this valuable resource for Network members.  The directory includes such topics as: Fiber Basics (nutrition, hay and water testing/analysis services, etc.), fiber preparation for market (evaluating fiber, histograms, skin biopsies, Suri Herd Improvement Program), creating products, where to promote products, secondary markets and a list of resources for further information, as well as how to get a copy of the Network sponsored video with a full gamut of information – Pasture to Process / Product to Profit (“P2P”). 


“Suri Simply Stunning” Brand Mark. The PDC will have a role in supporting the “Suri Simply Stunning” brand initiative, to be formally launched in 2019, and related efforts to develop market awareness of suri fiber’s unique characteristics.

Joy Conwell - Chair


SuperFleece Alpacas 

Conifer, Colorado 80433

Jan Heinrich


Long Hollow Suri Alpacas/New Era Fiber

Gallatin, Tennessee

Celya Singleton

(435) 201-1748

San Rafael Suris

Ferron, Utah

Michelle Pressler

(847) 373-3056

(815) 713-5234

iMpress Alpacas

Rockton, Illinois

Liz Vahlkamp - Board Liaison


Salt River Alpacas

Paris, Missouri

President's Letter

Greetings Suri Network Members!


Summer is finally here with its beautiful sunny days.  Shearing is over for most of us and cria season is in full swing. As alpaca farmers, we love what the summer season brings…. opportunities to evaluate our newly shorn fleece crop and plan what amazing suri products we make with it, enjoy our crias as they discover their legs in the green pastures and make important data driven breeding decisions that will accomplish our herd improvement goals.


The Suri Network board and many volunteer members have been working on our key events and initiatives on your behalf. 

  • The 2019 Summer Symposium and All Suri Fleece show is now open for registration. Early Bird registration and hotel discounted rooms ends July 15!  Register NOW for substantial savings!!
  • The Branding committee completed its work in phase one of our branding initiative and is rolling out the details of the “Suri, Simply Stunning” brand mark.
  • The Strategic Planning committee is working on updating the Suri Network strategic plan.
  • Annual membership renewal is well underway with our June 1 renewal date. Renew by July 8, to get you your name in the SN membership directories for our upcoming conferences and PurelySuri 2019 edition. Don't miss out on this marketing opportunity!!
  • The PDC is working hard on the annual Summer On-line Auction where we showcase our member’s products in an on-line auction format to raise funds for the Suri Network.
  • The SN board recently created an advisory committee comprised of SN members, board members, fiber processors and judges to evaluate the issue of Never Shorn Suri Yearlings in the show system. We will look for your feedback on this important issue in the upcoming month after our first committee meeting.
  • Come visit SN at our vendor booth at the AOA Natural Fiber Extravaganza in Lebanon TN on July 19-21!! A chance to see our "Suri, Simply Stunning"!


The Board of Trustees wants to thank you for your financial and volunteer support of the Suri Network. We are the Suri breed association, comprised of volunteers that work tirelessly to advance our mission. With your support we continue our mission to ensure the preservation and advancement of the Suri breed. Your involvement, input and feedback are critical to the ongoing success of our industry.  


Warmest regards,

Sue King


Suri Network

2019 Summer Symposium

Registration has opened for the 2019 Summer Symposium and All Suri Fleece Show on Aug 9-10, 2019 in Loveland, Colorado.


It is sure to be the headliner event for the industry in 2019.

Our theme this year is “Suri, Simply Stunning”, which showcases our new Suri brand initiative.


We are bringing in expert speakers on topics ranging from the state of the global and US suri markets and industry trends, how to grow our markets including exporting, tools for suri herd improvement and making good breeding decisions, classifying, sorting and evaluating suri fleeces, and sustainability in the fashion world and its impact on suri products.


Our presenters include Jude Anderson, Amanda VandenBosch, Cheryl Gehly, Winnie Labrecque, Amy Hall from Eileen Fisher fashions and Dr. Timothy Holt.


In addition, we are planning the largest Suri fleece show in the country to coincide with the Symposium so participants can see and feel the best Suri fleeces in the industry, judged by senior judges, Amanda VandenBosch and Cheryl Gehly. Wini Labrecque will be judging Fiber Arts entries and Gabrielle Menn will be judging Spin Off. This year we are accepting International fleeces for the first time!  In addition, we are awarding Breeders Cups for both our commercial and cottage division competitions. 


We are doing the online auction again this year with Bidding for Good as our platform.  We are now accepting donations for auction items. It is a great opportunity to showcase your farm suri products on-line and advertise your farm as well.  All donors are highlighted on the auction home page. Contact Margit Korsak for more information.

The conference provides a great opportunity to network with other Suri breeders across the country to compare best practices and herd management. Most of all, we plan to have a fun time with each other, celebrating the beautiful Suri alpaca and “Suri, Simply Stunning”!!

To register: 2019 Summer Symposium and Fleece Show

Never Shorn Class Yearling

in the Show System

The SN Board of Trustees has received input from many of our members as to whether it is time to evaluate the issue of the Previously Shorn (PS) vs Never Shorn (NS) Classes in the AOA show system and whether SN should take an advocacy position in recommending changes to the existing show rules regarding the PS and NS classes. Our members have various opinions about the merits of shearing yearlings or leaving them in full fleece for a second year. Some breeders believe we should be shearing our animals every year and some breeders support the existing option of showing animals as NS.  At the May 2019 board meeting, the board decided to create an advisory committee to evaluate the issue.  The committee of ten is chaired by the SN President and the committee members are comprised of large and small suri breeders, fleece processors and AOA judges.

The committee met in June and identified the pros and cons of the issue and plans to share this information with you and solicit your opinions on the topic. The SN board welcomes all views on the issue and wants to ensure that whatever recommend-ations are made, if any, reflect a united Suri industry and is in the best interests of all our members. The AOA show rules committee is aware of this initiative and supports SN taking the lead in developing a path forward. We hope you will share your insights on this important issue when the opportunity arises.

Suri Network's Strategy Plan

This year the board decided to review and update the Suri Network strategy plan. A committee was formed which included Candy McMahan, Kristie Smoker, Jessica Hackett, Amanda VandenBosch and Beth Sheets who drafted an updated version of the SN Strategy plan. Additional input was received from chosen advisors and board members. Within the plan are short and long-term goals and the final plan will be shared at the 2019 Suri Symposium. 

Here are a few highlights of the plan:

  • Identify ways to grow and strengthen Suri breeders, SN organization and its members.
  • Improve ways to communicate to members and Suri breeders and build a stronger community.
    • Increase numbers and Improve Quality of Overall National Suri Alpaca Herd.
    • Continue to build on our strong foundation of tools and programs currently in place.
    • Identify new tools/programs that would help educate current Suri owners and new owners.
    • Identify and Build marketing opportunities by promoting and increasing exposure of Suri alpacas, fiber and products.
    • Identify ways to reach out to new breeders, youth and international programs and the fiber community.
    These are exciting and challenging times for the Suri alpaca industry and we encourage member’s involvement to help strengthen the industry.

    Membership Update

    By now, many of you have renewed your membership – thank you! We hope you have also reviewed the updated benefits of membership which is good reminder of the value and broad range of benefits offered, including new benefits in Branding, Youth Programs and Online advertising.

    In 2018 we grew membership revenue by 7% and we want to continue that positive trend. Membership dues represents about 20% of our annual revenue and is critical to sustaining the ongoing costs of running the organization and for investing in new programs such as Branding that benefit our members and our industry.

    How can you help? Renew annually, renew on time and spread the good word about joining the Suri Network! 

    As always, thank you for your support!


    Renew or Join Here:

    Benefits of Membership:




    Suri Network
    Phone: (970) 586-5876
    Fax: (970) 591-0007

    P.O. Box 1984

    Estes Park, Colorado

    Copyright 2021  
    Suri Network

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