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PurelySuri Magazine has been in publication since 2002. Full members of Suri Network receive their issues in the mail. Others can view past issues online and some past issues are available for sale in the Suri Network store.

As our flagship publication, PurelySuri issues hold articles relevant to our special breed, as well as alpacas in general. Each issue includes articles informing the membership of current research, husbandry information, managing and utilizing Suri fleece, marketing, and showing.

We welcome articles and suggested topics from our membership.If you have a suggested topic or are interested in providing an article, please contact Laurel Shouvlin at

Suri Network welcomes advertising from Suri owners and breeders as well as from those who have related services and products.

PurelySuri Online Advertising Registration Form: use this link to take you to an online form allowing you to pay for your advertising by credit card.

PurelySuri Advertising Reservation Form this is a pdf for you to print and fill out

TO read previous issues of PurelySuri, please CLICK HERE

TO purchase current or past issues of PurelySuri Magazine, please visit the SURI NETWORK STORE or call the Suri Network office 970- 586-5876

ELIGIBILITY: The Suri Network’s PurelySuri magazine welcomes advertising about farms and ranches, alpacas for sale, auctions, and ads that promote raising, breeding or the sale of alpacas. PurelySuri also welcomes other advertising such as adsfor insurance, fiber processing, clothing, fiber arts equipment, feed, website-computer-internet services, farm management, consulting, accounting, business management, graphic arts, advertising, printing, and marketing services. PurelySuri reserves the right to reject advertising that does not comport with the mission of the Suri Network.

Advertising Reservation
Deadline: November 15th
Advertising Copy Deadline: November 29th

Files Should be high resolution (300 dpi or higher) as jpg, tiff, pdf or eps files. Advertiser will be notified if the resolution of their file does not meet requirements. Files can be sent on disk or emailed to:

Advertising space is available on a first come, first served basis.

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

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Suri Network

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