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Suri Network welcomes you to 2022!

January 2022 has arrived, and we have already seen natural disasters, severe weather in many regions and the continued uncertainty with the Covid variants and yet, this a wonderful opportunity for each of us to dig deep and look for ways to support each other and continue to grow as a community of Suri breeders.

The Suri Network has had a successful year. Here are some of our accomplishments:

  • PurelySuri magazine was published in early in 2021 and offered articles from animal health, livestock guardian dogs, alpaca rescue and taking care of older animals and many wonderful herd sires to help you with breeding choices.
  • We offered our first SN Webinar Series, “March to Marketing,” in February over a 4-week period. We learned about what tools are available in making breeding decisions, social media marketing, agri-tourism and how to pull it all together in an effective marketing plan. Many thanks to our outstanding speakers and generous sponsors.
  • Suri Herd Improvement Program (S.H.I.P.) committee identified and trained 2 new classifiers. Welcome to Arturo Pena and Stephanie Glyptis as they join our current classifier, Cheryl Gehly. So many thanks to Cheryl for leading the training program and getting everyone up to speed.
  • The Suri Network 2021 Fleece Show, Fiber Arts & Skeins was once again successful and as a new benefit we offered pictures for all the Champions and Special Awards. A huge thanks to our wonderful sponsors.
  • Congratulations to our Jim Barker Suri Network Ambassador Award winner – Dale Davis. Thank you, Dale, for all your efforts in supporting and promoting Suri Network and the Suri Industry with your expertise and enthusiasm and hard work over the past 20 years.
  • The online auction in November brought unique options and finished Suri Network’s year successfully. Thanks to the committee for all their work and the wonderful supporters who donated so many unique and interesting items.

SN will be ready to go forward into the new year with these exciting happenings in 1st Quarter, 2022.

  • PurelySuri magazine will be published in mid-January 2022. They have an exciting list of new articles and many listings for breeding options.
  • Suri Network’s second annual Webinar Series, “Strategically Suri,” will be offered in four 90- minute segments using the Zoom platform. Register here.
  1. Feb 2: "S.H.I.P-Don't let S.H.I.P Sail Without You" presented by the SHIP classifiers, Arturo Pena, Cheryl Gehly and Stephanie Glyptis, all trained Suri fleece experts, and AOA judges.
  2. Feb 9: "Color Genetics-What Color is Your Alpaca" presented by Dr. Andrew Merriwether, expert geneticist, and professor from Binghamton University of New York.
  3. Feb 16: "Using Technology to Diagnose Female Alpaca Infertility" presented by Dr. Michelle Kutzler, camelid reproductive expert and professor from Oregon State University.
  4. Feb 23: "Strategic Suri Improvement-Focus on Uniformity" presented by Amanda VandenBosch, internationally renowned Suri alpaca breeder and AOA senior judge.
  • Our three classifiers are ready so book your S.H.I.P classifications now! The best time to book your SHIP classification is prior to shearing.
  • Look for updates on all our committees on the website soon.

Did You Know

Carbon farming is becoming more prominent in farming circles, and many Suri owners are well suited to pursue this type of farming in their pursuit of environmental sustainability. What is carbon farming you ask? Carbon farming involves implementing practices that are known to improve the rate at which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and converted to plant material and/or soil organic matter. Carbon farming is successful when carbon gains resulting from enhanced land management and/or conservation practices exceed carbon losses (definition provided by Carbon Cycle Institute). As our Suris eat grass and hay year-round, we have the opportunity to play a role in carbon farming! If you have interest in gathering more information on this topic, you may check out,,, or check with your local extension office.

The Suri Network Board wants to thank you for your past support, and we look forward to collaborating with you and providing continued services in the coming year.

Warmest Regards,

The Suri Network Board of Trustees:

Laurie Findlay

Patty Hasselbring

Karl Heinrich

Michelle Pressler

Beth Sheets

Laurel Shouvlin

Liz Vahlkamp

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

Copyright 2021  
Suri Network

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