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 Suri Network News

Fall 2019



President's Letter

Suri Simply Stunning

Board of Trustees
Sue King
Phone: 503-799-6941

Vice President
Deb Christner
Phone:970 872-4446

Phone:970 250-7392

Nancy Lindemood

Home Phone: 859-428-9220 

Cell: 513-218-8978

Beth Sheets

Phone: 765-566-3077

Trustees at Large
Dale Davis

Phone: 530-908-3534

Margit Korsak

Phone: 267-246-7573

Liz Vahlkamp

Phone: 314-440-1627




The branding initiative was developed to promote awareness of the unique qualities that distinguish Suri alpacas and Suri fiber products as “Simply Stunning”.

The next step in moving Suri into the national/global spotlight.

What is Branding

  • A brand is the immediate image, emotion, or message that people experience when they think of a company or product.
  • Effective brand association is defined by people’s reaction   to a brand that create positive first impressions and lasting associations.
  • Brand positioning is a where a company or product fits in the marketplace, the benefits it provides to consumers and society, and the advantages it has over its competition.

Why Brand

     Sell fiber

    • as raw material
    • as finished products


     Increase demand for quality animals

    • Increase awareness
    • Expand the market
    • Enhance quality & consistency
    • Encourage development of new products and uses
    • Attract new alpaca owners


  • Create recognition of Suri as a natural fiber with specific qualities of softness, luster, drape and adaptability on a wide variety of products.
  • Marketing member breeding programs, the fiber producers and promoting development of high-quality Suri products.

What is a Mark’s Value?

  • A Brand Mark communicates consistency.
  • A Brand Mark visually identifies a company or a product while also communicating the brand.
  • A brand tag line “Suri Simply Stunning” is memorable while further describing the company or product.

How do I get

the Mark for Use?

GO TO THE Suri Network website:


President's Letter

Greetings Suri Network Members!


Happy Autumn to all our members!!  We want to first

thank you for your continued support of the Suri

Network.This is your Suri Breed Association and the

board is honored to work with you to support our

mission of advancing the Suri alpaca industry.

It was a busy summer for Suri Network, culminating

in our successful annual event: the 15th Annual Suri Symposium and All Suri Fleece Show.  The soon to

be issued PURELYSURI magazine highlights a feature

article about the event, so be looking for this in your

mailbox soon. 

The Board thanks all who helped make the 2019

Symposium and Fleece Show a success - our sponsors, speakers, auction item donors and auction bidders and winners, our volunteers, fleece and fiber arts competition judges and superintendent, and our Symposium and Fleece Show participants.

We especially want to thank our sponsors and vendors,

who without their financial support, we could not have the event:

Gold Sponsors:  Heritage Farm Suri Alpacas, Big Timber Alpacas

Silver Sponsor:  Long Hollow Suri Alpacas & New Era Fiber

Royal Fleece Show Sponsors:  Raynay Alpacas, 2 Point Farm

Tote Bag Sponsors:  BI Suri Alpacas; Akuna Matada

Suri Alpacas

Meal, Ribbon, Farm Table, Pen, Fleece Transport

Sponsors:  Boulder Hill Alpacas, BuzznHumm Alpacas, Derwydd Alpacas, Healing Springs Alpacas, Heritage

Farm, Mazuri, Mill Creek Alpacas, Seed Stock Alpacas,

Salt River Alpacas, Sie Sutter Suri Alpacas

Vendors:  New Era Fiber, Imperial Yarn



The Suri Network Board of Trustees hosted our annual membership meeting at the Symposium.Presentations included the Treasurer’s financial report and updates of

key initiatives including branding, and the strategic plan.

The Board also elected officers and assigned

committee chairs as follows:

  • Sue King, President (Symposium)
  • Deb Christner, Vice President (Branding, SHIP)
  • Nancy Lindemood, Treasurer (Membership)
  • Beth Sheets, Secretary (Strategic Planning and Youth Outreach)
  • Jennifer Hack (Marketing)
  • Liz Vahlkamp (PDC)
  • Margit Korsak

We encourage involvement from all SN members in continuing to make the Suri Network the best breed association possible. Please contact me or any of the Board committee chairs if you would like to serve on

any of the committees.


At the Symposium, we were honored to announce the winners of the Jim Barker Award and the Judy Steele Creativity Award.The Jim Barker award was given to

Jill McElderry-Maxwell for her service and dedication

to the Suri Network and Suri industry. 

The Judy Steele Creativity Award was presented to

Karl and Jan Heinrich for their advancements in Suri

fiber and its processing.


In October 2019, as part of our Youth Outreach

initiative, Suri Network hosted an information booth

at the 92nd Annual FFA Convention in Indianapolis.  Estimated attendance was 70,000 youth, advisors, supporters and alumni from all over the country.Our booth was very well- received, and we introduced the Suri alpaca to many FFA youth!  We want to thank the following volunteers who made it happen: Beth Sheets, Nancy Lindemood, Michelle Pressler, Liz Vahlkamp,Michael Sheets and SueLynne Childers.

The rest of this newsletter is focused on educating you about the Suri Simply Stunning tm brand.We strongly believe the Suri brand will help give you the tools to promote your Suri alpaca and products in the marketplace.Please take the time to study it and then apply to SN to use the brand.Its free for SN members!!


Sue King

President,Suri Network

How do I use the Mark??

  • Add the mark to your advertising
  • Display banners at halter shows, art and craft shows, farm days and any other events
  • Put the mark on product labels
  • Attach a hang tag with the mark to products
  • Use products that have the mark on them

Marketing Packages


Suri Simply StunningTM Partners


Akuna Matada Suri Alpacas - Deb & Doug Christner

Northern Prairie Alpacas - Deb Wellinghoff

SuperFleece Suri Alpacas - Joy Hays Conwell

Memory M-Acres - Lisa Collura & Robert Figular

Salt River Alpacas - Liz & Chris Vahlkamp

Boulder Hill Alpacas - Margit Korsak

iMpress Alpacas - Michelle Pressler & William Ward

2 Point Farm LLC - Nancy Lindemood

Hasselbring’s Harmony Ranch - Patty & Britt Hasselbring

Big Timber Alpacas LLC - Sue King

BI Bar Ranch - Ted & Julie Ritschard

Raynay Alpaca Farm - Candy & Ray McMahan

Sie Sutter Alpacas LLC - Dawn Browning & Susan Feil

Alpaca Road LLC - Jackie Mathiason

Lodi Alpacas at Whistling Valley Farms - Janice Clingman & Jim Hellenbrand

Long Hollow Suri Alpacas/New Era Fiber - Karl & Janice Heinrich

Healing Springs Suris - Leslie Rebtoy

Sandollar Farms & Alpacas - Nikki & Collins Griffith

Hidden Creek Alpacas - Bryan & Becky Miltenberger

Zena Suri Alpacas - Kathleen & Tom Callan

Heritage Farm Suri Alpacas - Tim & Beth Sheets

Wilkins Livestock - Michael & Janet Wilkins

Triple H Ranch - Jennifer Hack

Heart & Soul Alpacas and Spinnery - Karen Ball & Russell Ratti

Anderson Acres Alpacas - Roy Anderson, Rex Anderson

Alpacas at Windy Hill - Cindy Harris

Coldwater Creek Alpacas - Mary & Norm Zahn

Sweet Valley Suris - Brion & Kristie Smoker

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

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Suri Network

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