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The Suri Network Fiber Committee is excited to launch a series of Suri Sip & Share zoom calls, and we have had a wonderful response! For those who missed the chance to see them live, we have them linked here! 

These are friendly, casual events that encourage all attendees to participate!  Because we offer them here, you can still enjoy them with your beverage of choice!

We will post the next Sip and Share topic, registration information, and date as soon as it is decided. Whether you are a seasoned fiber artist, a beginner, or you sell yarn, you'll benefit from this discussion.  Learn about tips and techniques for working with Suri from those who have experience.  Hear from beginners who have questions about how to incorporate this fiber into their next project!

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

Copyright 2021  
Suri Network

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